“We are all accountable for our actions or inactions.”

Woman holding her neck after an accident, symbolizing personal injury

Have You Or A Family Member Been Injured By Someone’s Negligence?

It’s funny how life can be rolling along just like you planned it one moment and irrevocably veered off course the next. It can happen to anyone, in the blink of an eye or the screech of tires and breaks.

Every year in Wisconsin and Iowa, people are horribly injured, maimed or changed by injuries sustained in accidents they were not to blame for. If this has happened to you, you might understandably feel lost, helpless, and even angry, pushed to the brink by medical bills and lost income.

Fortunately, the law believes in holding people accountable and making those responsible cover those bills and costs. Making people take responsibility is one of the reasons Gary Kendell got into law in the first place and what he now does for injured folks in Des Moines and throughout Iowa and Wisconsin as a personal injury lawyer.

What Is A Personal Injury Claim? What Compensation Can It Provide?

A personal injury claim is the legal tool by which you get the negligent person or party who caused your injury to cover its costs. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you can negotiate with their insurance company to pay a fair settlement, compensating you for most or all of your losses.

If the insurance company refuses, you can take them to court to get a judge and jury to order the company to pay up. This turns your personal injury claim into a personal injury lawsuit, and while it can sometimes be expensive, it is occasionally the only way to make sure the insurance company pays you a full and fair amount of compensation.

That is because personal injury claims are about more than just adding up direct or immediate costs; there are a whole set of categories of expenses and harms that can and should be included.

  • Direct Specific Damages: These are any costs or harms easily measured in monetary terms. For example:
    • Medical bills include hospital bills, prescriptions, surgery, treatments, diagnostics, and more.
    • Lost wages for any income given up during your recovery and/or future income you will no longer be able to earn due to any disability.
    • Miscellaneous fixed/measurable costs, such as the fee for renting a replacement car after an accident or the cost of hiring help around the house if you can no longer do so.
  • Indirect/General Damages: These are the harms and losses that are harder to measure or put a price to but are no less real and sometimes even more meaningful, such as:
    • Pain and suffering represent a very real toll on your well-being; they deserve to be compensated for as much as any medical cost.
    • Losses in your quality of life due to your injury keep you from the activities and people you love, such as sports, church or time with your kids and pets.

Would you have listed all of those costs for financial compensation? Would you know how to calculate them or prove them when an insurance company disputes each one? If you’re like most people, probably not. That is precisely why you need a personal injury lawyer.

Why Do I Need A Lawyer For My Iowa Or Wisconsin Personal Injury Claim?

Given the sums of money involved in most serious injury cases and the compensation required for your recovery, these claims are not something to be taken lightly. Unfortunately, the insurance companies you are up against for the claims certainly do not take them lightly either, and will cause all kinds of complications to deny, delay, or diminish your financial compensation.

For example, when seeking to pay out less money on your claim, an insurance company might:

  • Convince you to take an early low-ball settlement. By reaching out before you even know the full extent of your injury, insurers hope to take advantage of your ignorance or naivety and offer you a bad deal.
  • Blame you for the accident or injury. If the insurance company can put the blame on you for the injury, they can get out of paying some or all of the compensation you are claiming.
  • Dispute injuries or blame pre-existing conditions. If the fault is clear, the insurance adjuster might instead try to claim you were already injured or that you are faking.

These strategies are just some of the tricks up an insurance company’s sleeves. Without a personal injury lawyer on your side with significant experience taking them on, you could all too easily fall prey to one or more of them. This could end up costing you much-needed compensation and leave you without options, facing mounting medical bills and dwindling income.

A skilled and compassionate personal injury lawyer like Gary Kendell will make sure that does not happen.

Why Choose Gary Kendell As Your Iowa Personal Injury Lawyer

If personal injury law was just a question of adding up numbers and presenting the bill, any accountant could handle it; unfortunately, to truly obtain the compensation you deserve, especially after a particularly severe accident or injury, you will need someone who is able to do more than just tally the bills.

Not only do you need someone who can go head-to-head with insurance companies, but you also need someone who will really sit down and listen. Someone who will be able to tell your story, who understands who you were before the injury and what the accident has cost you. That person is personal injury attorney Gary Kendell.

Injured In Iowa Or Wisconsin? Call Gary Kendell Today

If you or someone you love has been injured, you deserve to have the persons responsible cover the costs of your medical and financial burdens. Gary Kendell will take on that claim and tell your story so that no insurance company will get away with depriving you of that compensation.

The sooner you get in touch by calling (515) 205-1922, the sooner we can get to work for you. And to prove how serious we are, if we decide to take on your case, you won’t have to pay anything upfront. Your fees and costs will come out of what the insurance company pays so that we are never adding to your burden and only helping you lighten it.

More Information

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(515) 205-1922

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